Friday, January 15, 2010

getting more for your buck

I've noticed an interesting new development for this specific disaster in how people can donate. Aside from the texting donations as Dani as already pointed out, I've noticed people donating goods and services for donations. As in, buy this and x% of proceeds are donated to Haiti.

a few examples:
Barry's Farm
This super cool shop is donating half of all purchases to the cause. So if you were already planning on buying something cute, you can do so and also feel like you're making a difference, while still getting the product you want.

or in the case of Studio on Fire, 100% of purchases of their already awesome calendar goes to UNICEF.

Josie Maran Cosmetics promises 50% of purchases to donations.

Many retailers on Etsy are also donating anywhere from 20-100% of purchases to Haiti as well.

i think it's a great way for people who already have to purchase something to be able to help at the same time. It's also a great way for those who may not have the extra money to donate, but may have the talent to donate goods they make to help with the effort. In any case it just gives people more opportunities to contribute the best way they can.


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