Tuesday, January 26, 2010

working for free

Here is a snippet, from this delightful (yet fake) interaction between a designer and a businessman looking to get design work for free. (full account here)

Although I have a retail job on the side, I still consider myself to be an unemployed creative. Now, as all unemployed creatives do, I patrol craigslist on a regular basis. And I am eternally struggling with the working for free in order to gain experience dilemma. How much free work in exchange for experience is too much? It is okay as long as you're learning something? I mean really, you're doing work. You should get paid for doing that work. In more than just experience, or credit. Really, now when I see 'intern here 30 hrs a week in exchange for school credit' I laugh in my head because I am no longer IN school and therefore, school credit = monopoly money to me.

Regardless, this is what's out there:
=This is an unpaid internship that can be used towards school credit, it offers the opportunity to gain experience, collaborate directly with the on-staff graphic designer, build a portfolio, and work for an established non-profit organization in a professional environment.
=Please note that this is an unpaid internship, but the exposure opportunities for your work are great. We will credit you in the final publication of our book. (The book they want you to design.)
=This is an unpaid internship, but the experience will be priceless.
=This is an unpaid internship; however, with the right qualifications, there can & will be small perks throughout the position.
=Although this is an "unpaid gig" you will be fairly compensated with your own campaign on our website and future exposure in various media opportunities.


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